The fine print — Cooks Without Borders

The Fine Print and Thank Yous


All recipes are © by Leslie Brenner, except where noted otherwise. Recipes have been tested in Leslie Brenner's home kitchen.  Learn more about our terms of use.


All photos are © by Leslie Brenner, except some product shots that are linked to affiliate pages, and where noted otherwise. Express permission is required for re-use. The portrait of Leslie Brenner on her About page is ©2016 by Manny Rodriguez. Learn more about our terms of use.


Cooks Without Borders reserves the right to moderate comments posted to the site, and may delete them for any reason. This is a personal blog, and while disagreements with the content and other comments are certainly welcome, our aim is to keep this a safe and friendly place where civility reigns. Personal attacks are not welcome, and abusive comments will be removed.


If you share your email address or other personal information with us, we promise to keep it private; it will not be shared, sold or leased to any third parties. If you do not agree with the terms of this privacy policy, please do not use this site. Learn more about our privacy policies.


Heartfelt thanks to Juliet Jacobson for all her good counsel, invaluable help with design (including creating the Cooks Without Borders logo!) and support (I am forever appreciative!); to Monard Nichols for his expert advice on photography and help with lighting and equipment; to Manny Rodriguez for generously offering to shoot my portrait; and especially to our friends (new and old) who share their stories and recipes. Extreme gratitude to John Booth, who generously gifted us with the domaine, which he had previously held, because he liked what we were about.Thank you, thank you, thank you, John! Thank you also to Johnny Brenner, who has generously provided expert SEO advice and other technical support. (Johnny does great work; drop me a line if you’d like to reach him!) Finally, a giant and eternal thank you to Thierry and Wylie for perpetually and unconditionally supporting whatever crazy thing I decide to do. I love you all.