Cook to feed the world: Buy our $5 e-cookbook, and we'll donate all proceeds to World Central Kitchen — Cooks Without Borders

Cook to feed the world: Buy our $5 e-cookbook, and we'll donate all proceeds to World Central Kitchen

By Leslie Brenner

When it comes to providing relief in the face of humanitarian crises and natural disasters, there’s no organization that does it like World Central Kitchen (WCK), superstar chef José André’s highly effective nonprofit. At the moment, they are on the ground feeding families affected by the conflict in Israel, Gaza and Lebanon, the earthquakes in Afghanistan and the refugee crisis in Armenia.

Since our first fundraiser 18 months ago — our Cook for Ukraine Pop-Up — Cooks Without Borders has helped raised more than $10,000 for WCK .

Now we’re launching a fall fundraiser — with the modest goal of raising $1,000 to help feed families between now and the end of November. You can help! Purchase our e-cookbook, 21 Favorite Recipes from Cooks Without Borders. Normally $7, the book is on sale for just $5 per copy; we’ll donate every penny we collect* to WCK.

About World Central Kitchen

Chef Andrés founded World Central Kitchen based on the idea that “when people are hungry, send in cooks. Not tomorrow, today.” The nonprofit organization makes sure there is always a warm meal, an encouraging word, and a helping hand in hard times. 

When disaster strikes, WCK’s Chef Relief Team mobilizes to the front lines with the urgency of now to start cooking and provide meals to people in need. WCK’s resilience work advances human and environmental health, offers access to professional culinary training, creates jobs, and improves food security for the people it serves.

WCK has provided hundreds of millions of fresh, nourishing meals for communities around the world. Your donation today will be used to support its emergency food relief efforts and resilience programs.

Want to do more?

We have set up a fundraising page through World Central Kitchen. Please join me there in making a separate contribution in any amount to help us reach our modest goal of raising $1,000 by the end of November. I’ve kicked off the campaign with my own donation. (Once our e-cookbook purchases start rolling in, I’ll contribute the proceeds through that page, so you’ll be able to see the progress on that front as well.)

Thank you so much for joining me in supporting WCK! Please pass on this pop-up invitation to friends who will want to help feed people in strife around the world.

*45 cents of each e-book purchase will be retained by Stripe for processing. We will donate the full $4.55 we collect on each purchase to WCK.

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