Cookbooks > General
Our collection of recommended titles is a work in progress. We’re in process of adding many more, so please check back often! And drop us a line if there’s something you’d like us to consider including. We have included links to our reviews and other coverage of the books, along with links to purchase them through our affiliates. Buying through Bookshop is a great way to support independent bookstores, as well as our work at Cooks Without Borders.
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“Exception and Easy One-Pan Meals” from award-winning cook and New York Times “A Good Appetite” columnist Melissa Clark. One of our Best New Cookbooks of 2022.
$28 at Bookshop - buy now
$25 at Amazon - buy now
Ottolenghi alum Ixta Belfrage’s first solo book celebrates a far-flung mix of international influences (mezcla means “mixture” in Spanish), and the result is a collection of highly original recipes expressing a fresh, open cooking style that you might think of as joyous fusion. It’s one of our Best New Books of 2022.
$33 at Bookshop - buy now
$30 at Amazon - buy now
The sequel to OTK Shelf Love, this second book from the famous test kitchen. Filled with the “secret culinary weapons” that take your cooking to the next level, and make life easier - condiments, sauces, dressings and such - it also includes recipes featuring them. Review coming soon.
$30 at Bookshop - buy now
$27 at Amazon - buy now