Cookbooks > East Asian
East Asian
Here you’ll find Chinese, Japanese and Korean titles. Our collection of recommended titles is a work in progress. We’re in process of adding many more, so please check back often! And drop us a line if there’s something you’d like us to consider including. We have included links to our reviews and other coverage of the books, along with links to purchase them through our affiliates. Buying through Bookshop is a great way to support independent bookstores, as well as our work at Cooks Without Borders.
If you’d like to see all our cookbook reviews in one place, find them here.
Winner of an IACP Cookbook Award, Grace Young's poetic 2004 book, gorgeously photographed by Alan Richardson, is all about wok cooking. Start here if you’re looking to achieve wok hei. Try a recipe.
$35 at Bookshop - buy now
$28 at Amazon - buy now
Andrea Nguyen — our favorite Vietnamese cooking guide — takes a non-dogmatic approach to plant-based cooking, with brilliant results. Review coming soon. Read our review.
$33 at Bookshop - buy now
$18 at Amazon - buy now
Subtitled "Simple Chinese Home Cooking," Fuchsia Dunlop's approachable, reliable book is one of our favorite cookbooks ever. Read our review.
$32 at Bookshop - buy now
$25 at Amazon - buy now
Subtitled “Recipes from My Taiwainese-American Home,” this is the wonderful debut from Frankie Gaw, creator of Little Fat Boy blog. It was one of our Best New Cookbooks of 2022.
$30 at Bookshop - buy now
$26 at Amazon - buy now
Emiko Davies’ charming book is filled with memories and stories from her family’s kitchen — and wonderful, easy-to-achieve recipes. Taste a sample.
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$32 at Amazon - buy now
Shizuo Tsuji's 1980 book is still in print after all these eons for a reason: It's essential. Here’s a sample recipe.
$41 at Bookshop - buy now
$42 at Amazon - buy now
Sonoko Sakai's book is another one of our favorite cookbooks ever — absolutely perfect for anyone (beginner or experienced cook) wanting to dive into Japanese cooking. Read our review.
$37 at Bookshop - buy now
$36 at Amazon - buy now
We love the quiet charms of the cooking of Shanghai and the Jiangnan region, and Dunlop is a trustworthy guide who tells engaging stories of her experiences in the region along the way. Her recipes are easy to follow and they work. Read our review.
$32 at Bookshop - buy now
$28 at Amazon - buy now
Eileen Yin-Fei Lo’s 2009 magnum opus is a must-have resource for aficionados. Essential intelligence about ingredients and techniques, with more than 150 recipes. Try a recipe.
$3 at Apple Books - buy now
$3 on Kindle - buy now
Published in 2006, Eileen Yin-Fei Lo's sweet, personal book about learning to cook with her grandmother is a lovely way in to the world of Chinese cooking, especially for nervous beginners. Recipes can be a bit imprecise, those we’ve made have all turned out great.
$50 at Amazon - buy now
Michelin-starred chef Hooni Kim's inviting is the authoritative Korean book we've long been waiting for. Read our review.
$37 at Bookshop - buy now
$28 at Amazon - buy now
Detroit native Hannah Che, now Taiwan-based, spent years in China, eventually studying at the only vegetarian cooking school in the country. Her gorgeous volume (she’s also the photographer) is as appealing to gastronomic-minded omnivores as it is to vegans. It was one of our Best New Cookbooks of 2022. Read our review.
$33 at Bookshop - buy now
$27 at Amazon - buy now
The Leung family behind the wonderful cooking website of the same name debuts with a vivacious volume of Chinese and Chinese-American favorites. Read our review.
$33 at Bookshop - buy now
$28 at Amazon - buy now